Sometimes going last, means putting others first.-Rayna Rose Exelbierd
Today I celebrate being last. Confidence for me usually shows up as not wanting to be perfect. For this reason, I’ve been the first person to raise my hand or be the first volunteer “to go first” in activities since I was a teen. As an adult, I have a reputation for being the first podcast guest for many. I love going first to make others love nervous. I feed off of that energy.
A few weeks ago a woman I admire in one of my networking groups was sharing her incredible progress in paying off her debt. She had just a little under $1000 to go and I told her I’d chip in $50. That was over a week ago.
Today my online friend messaged me to follow up on the payment. I sent the money and she immediately responded, “I’M OFFICIALLY PAID OFF”. Even though she is states away- as both of us began to cry and continue typing I could feel the energy. I will always remember and celebrate being the last piece for my friend.
I share this story because I’ve never met this woman in real life. We see each other online frequently, and I know exactly what it feels like to struggle financially. Most successful entrepreneurs do. Give back where you can. Whether it be with your time, your money, resources, or connections. Something little to us can be HUGE for someone else. Go be the change in someone’s life this week. I believe in you.

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